Approximately 3,289 charts pertain to Minnesota. See most popular (25), recently updated (25) or search and browse all charts for Minnesota.
Lorem ipsum
Initial Claims in Minnesota  
2025-02-14 07:38:22-06  /  Weekly, Ending Saturday  /  Number
An initial claim is a claim filed by an unemployed individual after a separation from an employer. The claim requests a determination of basic eligibility for the Unemployment Insurance program.

Insured Unemployment Rate in Minnesota  
2025-02-14 07:38:22-06  /  Weekly, Ending Saturday  /  Percent
The insured unemployment rate (% of covered employment) is Continued Claims (also called insured unemployment) divided by Covered Employment.

Continued Claims (Insured Unemployment) in Minnesota  
2025-02-14 07:38:21-06  /  Weekly, Ending Saturday  /  Number
Continued claims, also referred to as insured unemployment, is the number of people who have already filed an initial claim and who have experienced a week of unemployment and then filed a continued claim to claim benefits for that week of unemployment. Continued claims data are based on the week of unemployment, not the week when the initial claim was filed.

Covered Employment in Minnesota  
2025-02-14 07:38:21-06  /  Weekly, Ending Saturday  /  Number
Covered employment is the number of employees covered by state insurance programs.

High-Propensity Business Applications: Total for All NAICS in Minnesota  
2025-02-12 11:06:19-06  /  Monthly  /  Number
Business Applications (BA) that have a high-propensity of turning into businesses with payroll. The identification of high-propensity applications is based on the characteristics of applications revealed on the IRS Form SS-4 that are associated with a high rate of business formation. High-propensity applications include applications: (a) from a corporate entity, (b) that indicate they are hiring employees, purchasing a business or changing organizational type, (c) that provide a first wages-paid date (planned wages); or (d) that have a NAICS industry code in manufacturing (31-33), retail stores (44), health care (62), or restaurants/food service (72). See the U.S. Census's FAQs ( for more details.

High-Propensity Business Applications: Total for All NAICS in Minnesota  
2025-02-12 11:06:13-06  /  Monthly  /  Number
Business Applications (BA) that have a high-propensity of turning into businesses with payroll. The identification of high-propensity applications is based on the characteristics of applications revealed on the IRS Form SS-4 that are associated with a high rate of business formation. High-propensity applications include applications: (a) from a corporate entity, (b) that indicate they are hiring employees, purchasing a business or changing organizational type, (c) that provide a first wages-paid date (planned wages); or (d) that have a NAICS industry code in manufacturing (31-33), retail stores (44), health care (62), or restaurants/food service (72). See the U.S. Census's FAQs ( for more details.

Business Applications with Planned Wages: Total for All NAICS in Minnesota  
2025-02-12 11:06:07-06  /  Monthly  /  Number
High-Propensity Business Applications (HBA) that indicate a first wages-paid date on the IRS Form SS-4. The indication of a wages-paid date is associated with a high likelihood of transitioning into a business with payroll. See the U.S. Census's FAQs ( for more details.

Business Applications: Total for All NAICS in Minnesota  
2025-02-12 11:06:04-06  /  Monthly  /  Number
The core business applications series that correspond to a subset of all applications for an Employer Identification Number (EIN). Includes all applications for an EIN, except for applications for tax liens, estates, trusts, certain financial filings, applications outside of the 50 states and DC or with no state-county geocodes, applications with certain NAICS codes in sector 11 (agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting) or 92 (public administration) that have low transition rates, and applications in certain industries (e.g. private households, civic and social organizations). See the U.S. Census's FAQs ( for more details.

Business Applications: Total for All NAICS in Minnesota  
2025-02-12 11:05:59-06  /  Monthly  /  Number
The core business applications series that correspond to a subset of all applications for an Employer Identification Number (EIN). Includes all applications for an EIN, except for applications for tax liens, estates, trusts, certain financial filings, applications outside of the 50 states and DC or with no state-county geocodes, applications with certain NAICS codes in sector 11 (agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting) or 92 (public administration) that have low transition rates, and applications in certain industries (e.g. private households, civic and social organizations). See the U.S. Census's FAQs ( for more details.

Business Applications from Corporations: Total for All NAICS in Minnesota  
2025-02-12 11:05:51-06  /  Monthly  /  Number
High-Propensity Business Applications (HBA) from a corporation or personal service corporation, based on the legal form of organization stated in the IRS Form SS-4. See the U.S. Census's FAQs ( for more details.

Lorem ipsum
All-Transactions House Price Index for Minnesota  
2024-07-01  /  Quarterly  /  Index 1980:Q1=100
Estimated using sales prices and appraisal data.

State Minimum Wage Rate for Minnesota  
2025-01-01  /  Annual  /  Dollars per Hour
State minimum wage applies only after a certain level of gross annual sales or receipts is reached by the employer. For more information, visit

S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller MN-Minneapolis Home Price Index  
2024-11-01  /  Monthly  /  Index Jan 2000=100
For more information regarding the index, please visit Standard & Poor's ( Copyright © 2016, S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction of Home Price Index for Minneapolis, Minnesota in any form is prohibited except with the prior written permission of S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC "S&P". S&P does not guarantee the accuracy, adequacy, completeness or availability of any information and is not responsible for any errors or omissions, regardless of the cause or for the results obtained from the use of such information. S&P DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE. In no event shall S&P be liable for any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages, costs, expenses, legal fees, or losses (including lost income or lost profit and opportunity costs) in connection with subscriber's or others' user of Home Price Index for Minneapolis, Minnesota. Permission to reproduce this series can be requested from [email protected]. More contact details are available from, including phone numbers for all of its regional offices.

All-Transactions House Price Index for Minneapolis-St. Paul-Bloomington, MN-WI (MSA)  
2024-07-01  /  Quarterly  /  Index 1995:Q1=100
Estimated using sales prices and appraisal data.

Real Median Household Income in Minnesota  
2023-01-01  /  Annual  /  2023 C-CPI-U Dollars
Income in 2023 C-CPI-U (2000-2023) and R-CPI-U-RS (pre-2000) adjusted dollars.

Unemployment Rate in Minnesota  
2024-12-01  /  Monthly  /  Percent

Housing Inventory: Active Listing Count in Minneapolis-ST. Paul-Bloomington, MN-WI (CBSA)  
2025-01-01  /  Monthly  /  Level
The count of active single-family and condo/townhome listings for a given market during the specified month (excludes pending listings). With the release of its September 2022 housing trends report,® incorporated a new and improved methodology for capturing and reporting housing inventory trends and metrics. The new methodology updates and improves the calculation of time on market and improves handling of duplicate listings. Most areas across the country will see minor changes with a smaller handful of areas seeing larger updates. As a result of these changes, the data released since October 2022 will not be directly comparable with previous data releases (files downloaded before October 2022) and® economics blog posts. However, future data releases, including historical data, will consistently apply the new methodology. More details are available at the source's Real Estate Data Library ( With the release of its November 2021 housing trends report,® incorporated a new and improved methodology for capturing and reporting housing inventory trends and metrics. The new methodology uses the latest and most accurate data mapping of listing statuses to yield a cleaner and more consistent measurement of active listings at both the national and local level. The methodology has also been adjusted to better account for missing data in some fields including square footage. Most areas across the country will see minor changes with a smaller handful of areas seeing larger updates. As a result of these changes, the data released since December 2021 will not be directly comparable with previous data releases (files downloaded before December 2021) and® economics blog posts. However, future data releases, including historical data, will consistently apply the new methodology. More details are available at the source's Real Estate Data Library (

Total Gross Domestic Product for Minneapolis-St. Paul-Bloomington, MN-WI (MSA)  
2023-01-01  /  Annual  /  Millions of Dollars
The All industry total includes all Private industries and Government. Gross domestic product (GDP) by metropolitan area is the measure of the market value of all final goods and services produced within a metropolitan area in a particular period of time. In concept, an industry's GDP by metropolitan area, referred to as its "value added", is equivalent to its gross output (sales or receipts and other operating income, commodity taxes, and inventory change) minus its intermediate inputs (consumption of goods and services purchased from other U.S. industries or imported). GDP by metropolitan area is the metropolitan area counterpart of the nation's, BEA's featured measure of U.S. production. For more information about this release go to

Resident Population in Minneapolis-St. Paul-Bloomington, MN-WI (MSA)  
2023-01-01  /  Annual  /  Thousands of Persons
All observations are July 1 estimates of each year.

Unemployment Rate in Minneapolis-St. Paul-Bloomington, MN-WI (MSA)  
2024-12-01  /  Monthly  /  Percent

Lorem ipsum
All-Transactions House Price Index for Minnesota  
2024-07-01  /  Quarterly  /  Index 1980:Q1=100

State Minimum Wage Rate for Minnesota  
2025-01-01  /  Annual  /  Dollars per Hour

Unemployment Rate in Minnesota  
2024-12-01  /  Monthly  /  Percent

Real Median Household Income in Minnesota  
2023-01-01  /  Annual  /  2023 C-CPI-U Dollars

Gross Domestic Product: All Industry Total in Minnesota  
2023-01-01  /  Annual  /  Millions of Dollars

Housing Inventory: Active Listing Count in Minnesota  
2025-01-01  /  Monthly  /  Level

Rental Vacancy Rate for Minnesota  
2023-01-01  /  Annual  /  Percent

Median Household Income in Minnesota  
2023-01-01  /  Annual  /  Current Dollars

Labor Force Participation Rate for Minnesota  
2024-12-01  /  Monthly  /  Percent

Resident Population in Minnesota  
2024-01-01  /  Annual  /  Thousands of Persons

Per Capita Personal Income in Minnesota  
2023-01-01  /  Annual  /  Dollars

New Private Housing Units Authorized by Building Permits: 1-Unit Structures for Minnesota  
2024-12-01  /  Monthly  /  Units

Homeownership Rate for Minnesota  
2023-01-01  /  Annual  /  Percent

Housing Inventory: Median Listing Price per Square Feet in Minnesota  
2025-01-01  /  Monthly  /  U.S. Dollars

Continued Claims (Insured Unemployment) in Minnesota  
2025-02-01  /  Weekly  /  Number

Real Gross Domestic Product: All Industry Total in Minnesota  
2024-07-01  /  Quarterly  /  Millions of Chained 2017 Dollars

Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Initial Claims in Minnesota  
2022-11-05  /  Weekly  /  Number

Initial Claims in Minnesota  
2025-02-08  /  Weekly  /  Number

All Employees: Total Nonfarm in Minnesota  
2024-12-01  /  Monthly  /  Thousands of Persons

Average Hourly Earnings of All Employees: Total Private in Minnesota (DISCONTINUED)  
2022-03-01  /  Monthly  /  Dollars per Hour

Bachelor's Degree or Higher for Minnesota  
2023-01-01  /  Annual  /  Percent

SNAP Benefits Recipients in Minnesota  
2023-06-01  /  Monthly  /  Persons

State Tax Collections: Total Taxes for Minnesota  
2024-07-01  /  Quarterly  /  Millions of U.S. Dollars

Chain-Type Quantity Index for Real GDP: Mining (Except Oil and Gas) (212) in Minnesota  
2023-01-01  /  Annual  /  Index 2017=100

Zillow Home Value Index (ZHVI) for All Homes Including Single-Family Residences, Condos, and CO-OPs in Minnesota  
2024-12-01  /  Monthly  /  Dollars

Average Hourly Earnings of Production Employees: Manufacturing: Durable Goods in Minnesota  
2023-01-01  /  Annual  /  Dollars per Hour

New Private Housing Units Authorized by Building Permits for Minnesota  
2024-12-01  /  Monthly  /  Units

Average Hourly Earnings of Production Employees: Leisure and Hospitality: Food Services and Drinking Places in Minnesota (DISCONTINUED)  
2022-03-01  /  Monthly  /  Dollars per Hour

Home Vacancy Rate for Minnesota  
2023-01-01  /  Annual  /  Percent

Real Gross Domestic Product: Support Activities for Mining (213) in Minnesota  
2023-01-01  /  Annual  /  Millions of Chained 2017 Dollars

Personal Consumption Expenditures: Total for Minnesota  
2023-01-01  /  Annual  /  Millions of Dollars

Real Gross Domestic Product: Rail Transportation (482) in Minnesota  
2023-01-01  /  Annual  /  Millions of Chained 2017 Dollars

Gross Domestic Product: Utilities (22) in Minnesota  
2024-07-01  /  Quarterly  /  Millions of Dollars

Housing Inventory: Median Listing Price in Minnesota  
2025-01-01  /  Monthly  /  U.S. Dollars

S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller MN-Minneapolis Home Price Index  
2024-11-01  /  Monthly  /  Index Jan 2000=100

Unemployment Rate in Hennepin County, MN  
2024-12-01  /  Monthly  /  Percent

Civilian Labor Force in Minnesota  
2024-12-01  /  Monthly  /  Persons

Leading Index for Minnesota  
2020-02-01  /  Monthly  /  Percent

U.S. Granted Patents: Total Patents Originating in Minnesota  
2020-01-01  /  Annual  /  Number

Mean Adjusted Gross Income for Minnesota  
2021-01-01  /  Annual  /  Dollars

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