Title | Frequency | Pop. | Last Updated ▼ |
Title | Frequency | Pop.▼ | Last Updated |
10-Year Treasury Constant Maturity Minus 2-Year Treasury Constant Maturity | Daily | 100 | 2025-02-14 16:02:05-06 |
30-Year Fixed Rate Mortgage Average in the United States | Weekly, Ending Thursday | 99 | 2025-02-13 11:06:02-06 |
Federal Funds Effective Rate | Monthly | 98 | 2025-02-03 15:17:21-06 |
Overnight Reverse Repurchase Agreements: Treasury Securities Sold by the Federal Reserve in the Temporary Open Market Operations | Daily | 95 | 2025-02-14 13:01:05-06 |
Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers: All Items in U.S. City Average | Monthly | 95 | 2025-02-12 07:43:49-06 |
Unemployment Rate | Monthly | 95 | 2025-02-07 07:47:42-06 |
Assets: Total Assets: Total Assets (Less Eliminations from Consolidation): Wednesday Level | Weekly, As of Wednesday | 94 | 2025-02-13 15:36:22-06 |
10-Year Treasury Constant Maturity Minus 3-Month Treasury Constant Maturity | Daily | 94 | 2025-02-14 16:01:02-06 |
M2 | Monthly | 93 | 2025-01-28 12:01:48-06 |
Gross Domestic Product | Quarterly | 93 | 2025-01-30 07:55:02-06 |
ICE BofA US High Yield Index Option-Adjusted Spread | Daily, Close | 92 | 2025-02-14 10:00:09-06 |
Real Gross Domestic Product | Quarterly | 92 | 2025-01-30 07:55:02-06 |
Market Yield on U.S. Treasury Securities at 10-Year Constant Maturity, Quoted on an Investment Basis | Daily | 92 | 2025-02-14 15:18:45-06 |
Median Sales Price of Houses Sold for the United States | Quarterly | 90 | 2025-01-27 09:01:01-06 |
10-Year Breakeven Inflation Rate | Daily | 89 | 2025-02-14 16:01:05-06 |
S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller U.S. National Home Price Index | Monthly | 88 | 2025-01-28 08:12:01-06 |
M2 | Weekly, Ending Monday | 87 | 2025-01-28 12:01:54-06 |
Federal Funds Effective Rate | Daily, 7-Day | 86 | 2025-02-14 15:18:40-06 |
Inflation, consumer prices for the United States | Annual | 85 | 2024-09-19 14:08:02-05 |
Delinquency Rate on Credit Card Loans, All Commercial Banks | Quarterly, End of Period | 85 | 2024-11-19 13:36:31-06 |
Market Yield on U.S. Treasury Securities at 10-Year Constant Maturity, Quoted on an Investment Basis, Inflation-Indexed | Daily | 85 | 2025-02-14 15:18:41-06 |
Average Sales Price of Houses Sold for the United States | Quarterly | 84 | 2025-01-27 09:01:03-06 |
Federal Debt: Total Public Debt as Percent of Gross Domestic Product | Quarterly | 84 | 2024-12-19 08:05:01-06 |
Labor Force Participation Rate | Monthly | 84 | 2025-02-07 07:48:54-06 |
Sticky Price Consumer Price Index less Food and Energy | Monthly | 84 | 2025-02-12 12:01:05-06 |
Title | Updated |
10-Year Treasury Constant Maturity Minus 2-Year Treasury Constant Maturity | 2025-02-14 |
30-Year Fixed Rate Mortgage Average in the United States | 2025-02-13 |
Federal Funds Effective Rate | 2025-01-01 |
Unemployment Rate | 2025-01-01 |
Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers: All Items in U.S. City Average | 2025-01-01 |
Overnight Reverse Repurchase Agreements: Treasury Securities Sold by the Federal Reserve in the Temporary Open Market Operations | 2025-02-14 |
Assets: Total Assets: Total Assets (Less Eliminations from Consolidation): Wednesday Level | 2025-02-12 |
10-Year Treasury Constant Maturity Minus 3-Month Treasury Constant Maturity | 2025-02-14 |
M2 | 2024-12-01 |
Gross Domestic Product | 2024-10-01 |
Real Gross Domestic Product | 2024-10-01 |
Market Yield on U.S. Treasury Securities at 10-Year Constant Maturity, Quoted on an Investment Basis | 2025-02-13 |
ICE BofA US High Yield Index Option-Adjusted Spread | 2025-02-13 |
Median Sales Price of Houses Sold for the United States | 2024-10-01 |
10-Year Breakeven Inflation Rate | 2025-02-14 |
S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller U.S. National Home Price Index | 2024-11-01 |
Delinquency Rate on Credit Card Loans, All Commercial Banks | 2024-07-01 |
Inflation, consumer prices for the United States | 2023-01-01 |
Market Yield on U.S. Treasury Securities at 10-Year Constant Maturity, Quoted on an Investment Basis, Inflation-Indexed | 2025-02-13 |
M1 | 2024-12-01 |
Federal Debt: Total Public Debt as Percent of Gross Domestic Product | 2024-07-01 |
Average Sales Price of Houses Sold for the United States | 2024-10-01 |
Labor Force Participation Rate | 2025-01-01 |
Sticky Price Consumer Price Index less Food and Energy | 2025-01-01 |
Personal Consumption Expenditures | 2024-12-01 |
Personal Saving Rate | 2024-12-01 |
Federal Debt: Total Public Debt | 2024-07-01 |
Real Median Household Income in the United States | 2023-01-01 |
All Employees, Total Nonfarm | 2025-01-01 |
Secured Overnight Financing Rate | 2025-02-13 |
5-Year Breakeven Inflation Rate | 2025-02-14 |
S&P 500 | 2025-02-14 |
Velocity of M2 Money Stock | 2024-10-01 |
Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers: All Items Less Food and Energy in U.S. City Average | 2025-01-01 |
ICE BofA US High Yield Index Effective Yield | 2025-02-13 |
Moody's Seasoned Aaa Corporate Bond Yield | 2025-01-01 |
Employed full time: Median usual weekly real earnings: Wage and salary workers: 16 years and over | 2024-10-01 |
Initial Claims | 2025-02-08 |
5-Year, 5-Year Forward Inflation Expectation Rate | 2025-02-14 |
3-Month Treasury Bill Secondary Market Rate, Discount Basis | 2025-01-01 |