Civilian Population for Hennepin County is a chart provided by the US Census Bureau via its Annual Estimates of the Population for Counties data release. This chart covers the location of Hennepin County, Minnesota. This chart is updated annually with a history spanning more than 73 years. Data for this chart is made available on FactPundit courtesy of the Federal Reserve Economic Database (FRED).
Hennepin County is a county in the U.S. state of Minnesota. Its county seat is Minneapolis, the state’s most populous city. The county is named in honor of the 17th-century explorer Father Louis Hennepin. The county extends from Minneapolis to the suburbs and outlying cities in the western part of the county. The county’s natural areas are covered with extensive woods, hills, and lakes.
Learn more about Hennepin County.

Countries > United States > States and Provinces > Minnesota > Counties > Hennepin
Areas Located Within
Charts for Hennepin County, MN
   Unemployment Rate in Hennepin County, MN 2024-12-01
   Bachelor's Degree or Higher (5-year estimate) in Hennepin County, MN 2023-01-01
   All-Transactions House Price Index for Hennepin County, MN 2023-01-01
   Resident Population in Hennepin County, MN 2023-01-01
   Percent of Population Below the Poverty Level (5-year estimate) in Hennepin County, MN 2023-01-01
   Population Estimate, Total, Hispanic or Latino, White Alone (5-year estimate) in Hennepin County, MN 2023-01-01
   Market Hotness: Median Listing Price in Hennepin County, MN 2024-12-01
   Employed Persons in Hennepin County, MN 2024-12-01
   Single-Parent Households with Children as a Percentage of Households with Children (5-year estimate) in Hennepin County, MN 2023-01-01
   Gross Domestic Product: All Industries in Hennepin County, MN 2023-01-01
   Estimate of Median Household Income for Hennepin County, MN 2022-01-01
   Housing Inventory: Active Listing Count in Hennepin County, MN 2025-01-01
   Housing Inventory: Median Days on Market in Hennepin County, MN 2025-01-01
   Burdened Households (5-year estimate) in Hennepin County, MN 2023-01-01
   Population Estimate, Total, Not Hispanic or Latino, American Indian and Alaska Native Alone (5-year estimate) in Hennepin County, MN 2023-01-01
   Homeownership Rate (5-year estimate) for Hennepin County, MN 2023-01-01
   Estimate, Median Age by Sex, Total Population (5-year estimate) in Hennepin County, MN 2023-01-01
   Disconnected Youth (5-year estimate) for Hennepin County, MN 2023-01-01
   White to Non-White Racial Dissimilarity (5-year estimate) Index for Hennepin County, MN 2023-01-01
   Population Estimate, Total, Hispanic or Latino (5-year estimate) in Hennepin County, MN 2023-01-01
   Market Hotness: Listing Views per Property in Hennepin County, MN 2024-10-01
   Population Estimate, Total, Hispanic or Latino, Black or African American Alone (5-year estimate) in Hennepin County, MN 2023-01-01
   Population Estimate, Total, Not Hispanic or Latino, Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Alone (5-year estimate) in Hennepin County, MN 2023-01-01
   Population Estimate, Total, Not Hispanic or Latino, Some Other Race Alone (5-year estimate) in Hennepin County, MN 2023-01-01
   Income Inequality in Hennepin County, MN 2023-01-01
   High School Graduate or Higher (5-year estimate) in Hennepin County, MN 2023-01-01
   Population Estimate, Total, Not Hispanic or Latino (5-year estimate) in Hennepin County, MN 2023-01-01
   Real Gross Domestic Product: All Industries in Hennepin County, MN 2023-01-01
   Population Estimate, Total, Not Hispanic or Latino, Asian Alone (5-year estimate) in Hennepin County, MN 2023-01-01
   Mean Commuting Time for Workers (5-year estimate) in Hennepin County, MN 2023-01-01
   Real Gross Domestic Product: Government and Government Enterprises in Hennepin County, MN 2023-01-01
   U.S. Granted Utility Patents Originating in Hennepin County, MN 2015-01-01
   SNAP Benefits Recipients in Hennepin County, MN 2021-01-01
   Net County-to-County Migration Flow (5-year estimate) for Hennepin County, MN (DISCONTINUED) 2020-01-01
   Combined Violent and Property Crime Offenses Known to Law Enforcement in Hennepin County, MN (DISCONTINUED) 2021-01-01
   New Patent Assignments in Hennepin County, MN 2024-01-01
   Number of Private Establishments for All Industries in Hennepin County, MN 2024-04-01
   Real Gross Domestic Product: Private Goods-Producing Industries in Hennepin County, MN 2023-01-01
   Personal Income in Hennepin County, MN 2023-01-01
   Per Capita Personal Income in Hennepin County, MN 2023-01-01
Source: US Census Bureau, via FRED. US Census Bureau, Civilian Population for Hennepin County, MN [MNHENN3POP], retrieved from the Federal Reserve Economic Database (FRED) (hyperlink to series in new tab), Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Current Date.
News and research for Hennepin County, MN
US Bureau of Labor Statistics (60) US Congressional Budget Office (16) US Census Bureau (14) Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (3) Federal Reserve Bank of New York (17) Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia (8) US Employment and Training Administration (11) The World Bank (71)
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