Blackford County is located in the east central portion of the U.S. state of Indiana. The county is named for Judge Isaac Blackford, who was the first speaker of the Indiana General Assembly and a long-time chief justice of the Indiana Supreme Court. Created in 1838, Blackford County is divided into four townships, and its county seat is Hartford City. Two incorporated cities and one incorporated town are located within the county. The county is also the site of numerous unincorporated communities and ghost towns. Occupying only 165.58 square miles (428.9 km2), Blackford County is the fourth smallest county in Indiana. As of the 2020 census, the county's population was 12,112. Based on population, the county is the 8th smallest county of the 92 in Indiana. Although no interstate highways are located in Blackford County, three Indiana state roads cross the county, and an additional state road is located along the county's southeast border. The county has two railroad lines. A north–south route crosses the county, and intersects with a second railroad line that connects Hartford City with communities to the west. Collected from Wikipedia.
Areas Located Within
Charts for Blackford County, IN
   Unemployed Persons in Blackford County, IN2023-01-01
   Income Inequality in Blackford County, IN2023-01-01
   Resident Population in Blackford County, IN2023-01-01
   Employed Persons in Blackford County, IN2023-01-01
   Unemployment Rate in Blackford County, IN2023-01-01
   Civilian Labor Force in Blackford County, IN2023-01-01
   Per Capita Personal Income in Blackford County, IN2023-01-01
   Estimate of Median Household Income for Blackford County, IN2023-01-01
   Equifax Subprime Credit Population for Blackford County, IN2024-10-01
   Homeownership Rate (5-year estimate) for Blackford County, IN2023-01-01
   All-Transactions House Price Index for Blackford County, IN2023-01-01
   Age-Adjusted Premature Death Rate for Blackford County, IN2020-01-01
   Number of Private Establishments for All Industries in Blackford County, IN2024-04-01
   Gross Domestic Product: All Industries in Blackford County, IN2023-01-01
   Poverty Universe, All Ages for Blackford County, IN2022-01-01
   Real Gross Domestic Product: All Industries in Blackford County, IN2023-01-01
   Gross Domestic Product: Government and Government Enterprises in Blackford County, IN2023-01-01
   Estimated Percent of People of All Ages in Poverty for Blackford County, IN2023-01-01
   Estimate of People Age 0-17 in Poverty in Blackford County, IN2023-01-01
   Mean Commuting Time for Workers (5-year estimate) in Blackford County, IN2023-01-01
   High School Graduate or Higher (5-year estimate) in Blackford County, IN2023-01-01
   Bachelor's Degree or Higher (5-year estimate) in Blackford County, IN2023-01-01
   Estimated Percent of People Age 0-17 in Poverty for Blackford County, IN2022-01-01
   Poverty Universe, Age 0-17 for Blackford County, IN2022-01-01
   New Private Housing Structures Authorized by Building Permits for Blackford County, IN2023-01-01
   Real Gross Domestic Product: Government and Government Enterprises in Blackford County, IN2023-01-01
   Percent of Population Below the Poverty Level (5-year estimate) in Blackford County, IN2023-01-01
   Population Estimate, Total, Hispanic or Latino (5-year estimate) in Blackford County, IN2023-01-01
   Gross Domestic Product: Private Goods-Producing Industries in Blackford County, IN2023-01-01
   Poverty Universe, Age 5-17 related for Blackford County, IN2023-01-01
   Rate of Preventable Hospital Admissions (5-year estimate) in Blackford County, IN (DISCONTINUED)2015-01-01
   Estimate, Median Age by Sex, Total Population (5-year estimate) in Blackford County, IN2023-01-01
   White to Non-White Racial Dissimilarity (5-year estimate) Index for Blackford County, IN2023-01-01
   Combined Violent and Property Crime Offenses Known to Law Enforcement in Blackford County, IN (DISCONTINUED)2019-01-01
   Real Gross Domestic Product: Private Goods-Producing Industries in Blackford County, IN2023-01-01
   Real Gross Domestic Product: Private Services-Providing Industries in Blackford County, IN2023-01-01
   Estimated Percent of Related Children Age 5-17 in Families in Poverty for Blackford County, IN2023-01-01
   Population Estimate, Total, Not Hispanic or Latino, Asian Alone (5-year estimate) in Blackford County, IN2023-01-01
   Population Estimate, Total, Hispanic or Latino, Asian Alone (5-year estimate) in Blackford County, IN2023-01-01
   Population Estimate, Total, Hispanic or Latino, White Alone (5-year estimate) in Blackford County, IN2023-01-01
News and research for Blackford County, IN
US Bureau of Labor Statistics (60) US Congressional Budget Office (16) US Census Bureau (14) Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (3) Federal Reserve Bank of New York (17) Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia (8) US Employment and Training Administration (11) The World Bank (71)
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