Cuts made to Minnesota’s Vocational Rehabilitation program which serves people with disabilities

DEED Commissioner Matt Varilek, center, and Gov. Tim Walz, right, shown during a statewide workforce tour at Buhler Inc. in Plymouth.

Jessie Van Berkel at the Star Tribune is reporting the Department of Employment and Economic Development is looking at voluntary layoffs and early retirement incentives for employees who provide Vocational Rehabilitation Services while having staff take on more work in-house instead of using outside providers.

Clay Masters at MPR News reports over the weekend Gov. Tim Walz held the first two in a promised series of town hall-style events in Iowa and Nebraska to give fellow Democrats a chance to vent about President Donald Trump’s first two months in office.

Howard Thompson at FOX 9 is reporting Republican lawmakers in Minnesota want the state to add “Trump derangement syndrome” to its definition of mental illness.

Lou Raguse and Dana Thiede at KARE 11, following the Feeding Our Future trial, report co-defendant Salim Said’s defense team is asking for permission to show the jury a video featuring Rep. Ilhan Omar bringing meals to cars parked outside Safari Restaurant, which Said owned at the time with a group of partners.

Alfonzo Galvan at Sahan Journal writes 250 nursing home workers say they’re ready to strike over low pay and persistent staffing shortages. All are represented by Service Employees International Union Healthcare Minnesota and Iowa.

Callisto Martinez, news editor at the Mac Weekly, reports the Macalester College faculty meeting on March 11 concluded with a motion put forth by professor of religious studies Erik Davis to remove the University of Haifa and Hebrew University of Jerusalem from the college’s pre-approved list of study away programs. Immediately after the motion was seconded, another faculty member successfully motioned to table the vote until the faculty meeting on April 8.

Mary Murphy at Forum News Services reports Richard Carlbom has the support of Gov. Tim Walz to become the next chair of the DFL Party.

Lauren Villagran at the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel has the story of a Wisconsin couple who were honeymooning in Puerto Rico when an immigration agent pulled Peruvian-born Camila Muñoz aside to question her U.S. citizenship. Muñoz is now a privately run detention center in Louisiana. Her husband, who is a U.S. citizen, voted for President Trump.

Allison Kaplan at Twin Cities Business has the story of how a rush order from Eyebobs, headquartered in Minneapolis, for six pair of red reading glasses sent to 30 Rockefeller Plaza in New York City were featured in a “Saturday Night Live” sketch with guest host Lady Gaga.

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MinnPost is a nonprofit online newspaper in Minneapolis, founded in 2007, with a focus on Minnesota news. Last updated from Wikipedia 2025-02-24T05:20:58Z.
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